Sunday, November 28, 2010

Forensics Vs Forensic Science

Forensics you get into a conversation, people often TV series (Crime Scene Investigation) CSI started thinking about the scene involved. This allowed the researchers to several criminal cases takes minutes to create the crime of evidence is equivalent to cleaning.

Criminal and forensic investigations misunderstanding that has arisen because many do not realize that there is between the police and forensic science is a dramatic difference.

Currently, most forensic medicine is discussed to reduce the "judicial". The word "court" refers to the original discussion, the Latin word "Forensis" or "before the forum." This vision of ancient Rome, where both the accuser and the accused was involved in a court case on a public platform to advance their arguments become more important. This public debate and legal arguments to display the word "court" because of.

"Evidence", that this concept because it should work in parallel with the forensic medicine. Developed judicial system, as required in this case the test. Now it was the verbal debate, but other evidence needed. The concept of "court" or be "before the forum," remain in force. It has changed the type of evidence will be presented is.

Although some modern dictionaries and really merge the two definitions are the same or a similar proposal, based on real and practical applications are very different.

Coroner public comment period that includes the data and statements show the means. Forensic science is something else. This collection, identification, research and scientific interpretations of evidence that a crime has been involved in such things as addresses, to determine.

In addition, the terms confusing forensics and criminology, forensic science, criminalistics, people often confuse. However, it is very important in the context of their living conditions as well. Forensics evidence that all subjects can be applied to include. Forensic only forensic science is one of the units.

Article that "forensic science" anything from falling under the auspices of:

Computer forensic
Forensic accounting
Forensic Audio Engineering
Forensic language
Forensic Pathology
Forensic Psychology
Forensic Engineering
Criminology own scientific discipline that combines science, too, biology and identification tests, as well as evidence of certain chemicals in the competition is different. DNA and diseases of a body such as fiber, hair and soil samples as a follow-up, and as such marks and tire track impression evidence, criminology deal with biological evidence. He ballistics, drugs, photos, and reconstruction of crime scene related.

As you can see, so I specifically forensic research and evidence in practice and that such evidence may be used in the legal system. No physical evidence, and not regarded as a science, but the presentation and use of research, a full bar.

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